
Homeowners are encouraged to become involved to help make the community a well run, beautiful, safe and enjoyable place to live and to get to know some of your neighbors.  Some of the volunteer opportunities available in Newberry include:

 Architectural Review Committee

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is delegated the responsibility of ensuring that proposed exterior alterations to homeowner properties within the Association comply with the objectives set forth in the governing documents. The members (made up of volunteer homeowners) conduct regular reviews of all applications submitted by residents. Their main function is to assure that the standards set forth in the governing documents are implemented and maintained. If you have questions regarding any exterior changes to your home, or are interested in getting involved with the ARC, please Contact Us.

Budget and Finance Committee

 The Budget and Finance Committee oversees the fiscal health of the community. The Committee reviews the monthly balance sheets, income and expense reports and delinquencies and works with Committees and Association Management to fund projects throughout the property. The Committee reviews the Draft Budget prepared by Association Management and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval. The Budget and Finance Committee is responsible for looking over the Reserve Report to ensure funding when components of the property need to be replaced.  If you are interested in getting involved with the Budget and Finance Committee, please Contact Us.

Communication Committee

 The Communications Committee is a newly-formed committee working to foster an environment that encourages two-way and intercommunity communications for Newberry. The Association will be using several resources for communicating with residents. These include: the newsletter, the Association website, the email alert list and Facebook. The Committee is looking for ways to best utilize the various media in order to get information to all Newberry residents.  If you are interested in getting involved with the Communication Committee, please Contact Us.

Events Committee

If you are intested in getting involved with the Events Committee, please Contact Us.

Landscape Committee

If you are intested in getting involved with the Landscape Committee, please Contact Us.